
3 posts

Teta’s tabbouleh

Teta’s tabboulehfeatured

When I built this blog a few weeks ago, I started by importing my small collection of recipes from Instagram. When I was done, I scrolled through and noticed a serious lack of green space. It might be because I rotate through a few standard salads and don’t give them too much thought. They are Read more

Salata baladi – Egyptian salad

Salata baladi – Egyptian saladfeatured

For Egyptians this is salata baladi. The most basic, most common, and, in my opinion, most perfect of salads. To others it’s known as salata Arabiya, salad-e Shirazi, shepherd’s salad, and it probably has many, many more names. But salata baladi by other name would be just as bright, crisp and refreshing. This is my Read more
