
12 posts

Apricot habanero chicken wings

Apricot habanero chicken wingsfeatured

These apricot habanero chicken wings are fruity, fiery, sticky and delicious. A traditional Middle Eastern apricot paste called qamar al-din forms their sweet and fragrant base. Laced with fruity, hot habaneros and a few spices, these wings are the perfect balance of spicy and sweet.

Tallarines verdes – Peruvian green pasta

Tallarines verdes – Peruvian green pastafeatured

Literally meaning ‘green noodles’ in Spanish, tallarines verdes is an herbaceous, creamy and delicious Peruvian pasta dish. Made with two parts spinach to one part basil, along with the addition of queso fresco and evaporated milk that make it silky and smooth, its the highly nutritious pasta dish you need to add to your rotation!

Egyptian pickled eggplant with garlic, walnuts and pomegranate

Egyptian pickled eggplant with garlic, walnuts and pomegranatefeatured

I had picked up some beautiful baby eggplants at a South Asian market in Queens over the weekend. I really wanted to make maqdous, Levantine baby eggplants stuffed with walnuts, garlic and pomegranate arrils preserved in olive oil. But man I was feeling lazy. The kids haven’t been letting me sleep. My dishwasher is broken Read more
